you want to extend your business activity outside the Romanian borders within the rest of the European Union member stated, including the Economic European Area (EEA), meaning Norway, Island, Liechtenstein and Switzerland?
have you concluded a service agreement with a client located outside Romania and you need to move your employees abroad in order to perform the contract?
do you have employees temporary detached to work abroad (civil aeronautical personnel, truck drivers, pilots, train conductors, IT experts) or your company is a transport company?
do you find difficulties preparing the legal documents regarding these employees?
If your answer is YES to any of the 4 questions below, then it is necessary to obtain the A1 Form or A1 Certificate or, more exactly, the Portable Document (PD) A1, for your employees.
Starting from 1st of May, 2010 it entered in force, in relation between the European Union member state, EEA states and Switzerland, the Regulation no. 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the coordination of social security systems and the Regulation no. 987/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the procedure for implementing the Regulation no. 883/2004. These EU regulations shall be applicable in case of migrant workers, being defined as a person - employed or self-employed in a member state of the EU who, during his professional career, is engaged in remunerated activity or performs its work in several countries at the same time.
The Regulation no. 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the coordination of social security systems provides the rule that the social security contributions are due in the state where the worker performs his activity, excepting some specific situation. These exceptions are:
detachment (for dependent activities);
pluri-activity (when the worker in question carries out simultaneously and in the usual way: independent and/or remunerated activity in two or more EU member states).
The A1 Form cannot be assimilated, from the legal perspectives and effects, to a work permit.
If the A1 Certificate shall not be obtained, the social contributions are paid in the state where the employee works and the employer company (in this case, the Romanian company) must authorize itself in that state where the employee works as a payer of the social contributions there.
Please note that performing a remunerated activity in the state where the employee effectively works without obtaining the A1 Form or without paying social security contributions in that country is considered to be illegal activity and this may also attract the criminal liability of the company director and the company itself, being considered tax evasion.
1. the employees of an EU/EEA member or Switzerland can work in any other EU member states for a maximum period of 2 years, being at the same time insured in his country of origin;
2. the employees are still socially insured within the Romanian social security system, considering that Romania is the country of origin;
3. recognition of professional qualification shall not be required;
4. no work permits shall be required;
5. after the retirement, the employees will not have to contact the social security institutions of the states where he was delegated/temporarily seconded;
1. the company must have at least 4 consecutive months of activity performed in Romania, starting from its incorporation date, prior to submitting the request for A1 Certificate issuance for its employees;
2. the company's income gained in Romania must be at least 25% of the total income of the company; please note that there is an exception here regarding the transport companies, where the company's income gained in Romania must be at least 5% of the total income of the company;
3. number of the seconded employees must be maximum of 50% of the total number of its employees;
4. the company must have performed commercial agreements in Romania both prior to the secondment, as well as after the employees' detachment;
5. the company must conclude an agreement with the employer from the country where the employees will effectively work, together with its authorized translation, providing the contractual right and obligations of the parties, the tasks to be accomplished by the detached employees and the performing period of the agreement.
In order to obtain the A1 Certificate, the local regulations provide the following necessary documents required to be presented before the National House of Public Pensions:
a) for the companies that are detaching their employees in other countries of the European Union:
the request form for obtaining the A1 Certificate; the application can be obtained directly from the National House of Public Pensions;
the company registration certificate, in certified copy (signed and stamped on each page); please note that the original must also be presented;
the fiscal certificate, proving that the company has no fiscal debts, it is valid only in the month in which it was issued (30 days);
the statement on own responsibility with the current number of employees - signed and stamped by the company's legal representative;
the company confirmation excerpt, issued by the Romanian Trade Registry;
the company's financial statements, in certified copy (signed and stamped on each page);
the financial balances for the last two months;
the statement on the employer legal representative own responsibility regarding the turnover for the last year;
the service agreements where the Romanian company is a party, performed on the Romanian territory (before and during the detachment period);
the detachment agreement between the Romanian company, seconded employee and the entity from the other member state where the employee effectively works;
the ultimate Form 112 and the Appendixes no. 1.1 and 1.2, in certified copy (signed and stamped on each page);
the identity cards of the detached employees, in certified copy;
the individual employment agreement with its addendums, in certified copy (signed and stamped on each page);
the certificate ascertaining the contribution period for the last 12 months, issued by the Local County Pension House, in original;
the statement on the employer's own responsibility attesting that the employee has another Form A1 or not.
b) for the self employed independent worker who moves temporarily, as a seconded person, to the territory of another EU member state:
must be registered at the Romanian Trade Registry and have a fiscal identification certificate (CIF), sole registration certificate (CUI) and/or fiscal code, providing such certificates;
must have performed in Romania, at least 2 consecutive months, substantial activities specific to his professional field and not just administrative activities that are not specific to his own activity field. These aspect can be proven by presenting financial documents (tax decision, register of receipts and payments), as well as ongoing commercial agreements concluded with natural or legal persons from Romania to be performed in Romania;
the gross income earned by the self-employed worker in Romania must represent at least 25% of the gross income earned by the self-employed worker both in Romania and in the state of employment, in the last 2 years;
the activity of the worker who moves temporarily, as a seconded person, to the territory of another EU member state corresponds to the field of activity of the independent activity in Romania;
c) pluri-activity means the situation in which a worker simultaneously or alternatively performs salaried and/or independent activities on the territory of two or more EU member states. Pluri-activity situations particularly refer to the activities carried out by certain socio-professional categories, such as civil aeronautical navigation personnel, truck drivers, train conductors, IT experts who carry out activities alternatively or simultaneously on the territory of several EU member states, activities carried out by nature them, on the territory of several member states, etc.
Our lawyers assists foreigners and local companies interested in all and any aspects related to the A1 Form issuance in Romania. For more details regarding A1 Form, please feel free to contact our law firm using the contact form.
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