Here are the main documents we prepare for your company to be registered:
1. Inquiries for obtaining the reservation of the company name from the Romanian Trade Registry.
2. Drafting the Articles of Association, providing all the rules governing the company and the relationship between the shareholders and directors.
3. Drafting the affidavits, signature specimen and statements to be signed personally by the shareholders and directors, ascertaining their will to act as main characters in the company.
4. Drafting the headquarter document (legal assistance agreement - for the headquarter at the law office, rental or lease agreement, bailment or sale agreement).
5. Drafting and submitting the motion for the company incorporation.
6. Payment of the Trade Registry fees for the registration.
7. Obtaining the original documents stating the incorporation of the company, these being similar to the identity card of the natural person.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries about setting up a business in Romania. You can count on us for daily up-to-date information on Romanian legislation, but also on other services such as bookkeeping.
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Romanian Advocacy
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Romanian Advocacy
| Your Business | Our Mission |
Romanian Advocacy
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Gamă completă de servicii juridice pentru oameni de afaceri, companii și persoane fizice. Avocații tăi în România.
Romanian Advocacy
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Full range of legal services for businesses, companies and individuals.
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Romanian Advocacy
București, str. Știrbei Vodă nr. 4, bl. 2, sc. D, et. 2, ap. 127, 010111, Romania
+40 723 773 759